3 ingredients easy vegan pasta dough 🍝

Pasta is one of the most popular snack all over the world. We all in some way or other have eaten pasta be it fresh or frozen. There are varieties of pasta available for people to eat. You can have different shapes, different styles, different seasoning and a whole lot more. 

During this quarantine time we all have been craving for some good healthy and delicious food. One of those are pasta, everybody have been trying to make pasta at home- fresh and tasty. But mostly all we see is pasta made out of eggs which is not everyone's cup of tea. 

So, i thought of coming up with a short yet delicious pasta recipe which is 100% vegan. Let's start making the recipe. 
For this we need-: 

 • 1 Cup of semolina flour (sooji)
 • Salt to raste 
 • Water (as required)

Now, to make the dough take a bowl - in the bowl add semolina flour and salt to taste. Mix until both the ingredients are combined. 
Now add water little by little and start kneeding the dough until it forms into a firm and tight dough. The dough should be too soft. Kneed until the semolina flour is mixed properly and starts forming gluten. 

Note1- The dough has to rest for at least 1 hour so that it's nice and firm and ready to be roll out. No need to leave it in the fridge. 

Note2- To give it the colour of classic pasta you can add a pinch of turmeric to it.

Note3- If you want the paasta to be flavoured you can add spinach, beetroot or any other vegetable puree of your choice.

Note4- Remember, the dough should be thin when rolled out to cut the pasta. So thin that you can see your hands through it.

The dough is all set to make pasta out of it, cut in your desired shape. If you find this recipe useful then comment and let me know. 🍁
