Struggles of a middle class πŸ™Œ

With around 78 million to 604 million people termed as middle class. India is the 2nd country in the list of the country having most middle class families which sums up to 28% of its population.

In a country like India which is extremely populated, only the poor and rich families stand out. We often look over the fact that middle class families exist. They play a large role in boosting economy. All the random small general stores owners, medicine corner owners, the private company workers, shop owners are middle class families earning their living through these small business. 

The mainstream media hardly ever cover these stories of a middle class surviving through the tough times. During the global pandemic only sector which has suffered a lot financially is the small business operating sector. The whole lockdown has cut down their source of income. Imagine your life without the small retailing shops, you can hardly survive. 

Although, there’s a lot that the migrant workers and the poor families have suffered it’s all you've been watching this whole year. But, what about those who have kept there pain to themselves and never expected anything in return. They are the tax-payers, loan payers, and have the responsibility to feed the family. 

Let’s be real, a lot of you must be watching your family suffering during this tough time complaining about the govt. Plans. This whole year was about rich becoming richer, poor becoming poorer and middle class ? Suffering through it all. Isn't this weird that we raise our voice against different issues and never thought of raising voice for what is really required in our day to day life.
